
Revolutionize Your Training!

Punching Power

Greater dynamic shoulder stability to hit harder and faster

Speed & Balance

Maximizes ability to handle unstable positions and movement needed in combat

Strength & Stamina

Helps fighter keep a high reactive and stable guard 


Increases fighter resilience and focus when fatigued

What the Pros & Experts Think


"AXIO uniquely builds shoulder strength and endurance outside of traditional linear movement which fighters need to keep a high, effective guard. The combination of core, balance an timing gives you more quickness and a stronger fighting stance in any position."

Maryguenn Vellinga
Professional Boxer, Owner Rise Boxing

AXIO has really helped my Jiu-Jitsu! I always felt vulnerable in my left arm and now I feel like I can use both arms evenly and that is something I was never able to do before. It's a great tool to strengthen the Rotator Cuff!

Corbin Zimmer
Jiu-Jitsu Competitor, Owner One More Fitness

"I really love this product! My core and shoulder strength has never been better!"

Orlando Sanders
Pro MMA Fighter

"AXIO is a simple and potent tool. I love it!”

DJ Walton
Boxing Coach, Onward Athletics

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