AXIO Training: Quick Start

To master your AXIO Trainer may take a little practice. Just like learning to jump rope, our muscles need time and repetition to develop rhythm and timing. Everyone begins at their own level and will improve at different rates. Simply make the leap, trust the process and embrace the challenge of AXIO Centripetal Training!

AXIO Training Tips

  • Start out by oscillating the AXIO side to side - you should feel the ball roll back and forth across the bottom of the channel
  • Go slow when first starting out - moving too fast will keep you from feeling and controlling the ball
  • Generate force from your core - avoid trying to use only the small muscles of the wrist and elbow
  • Close your eyes - this enhances your other sensory systems to help you feel and control the AXIO better
  • Try different grips, positions and rotational direction - your dominant arm is typically easiest, so be sure to train both

AXIO Training: Grips, Positions + Movement

Discover the variety of AXIO grips, positions and movements that can be used to activate multiple muscle groups at the same time, get fast training results and progressively challenge all user levels.

Hooking up bands

This video will show you how to connect your infinity bands to an AXIO.